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Supported Employment provides employment assistance to individuals that want to find and/or keep competitive employment in their community.
When individuals have meaningful work, they develop pride, self-respect, and a sense of belonging to their community. Supported Employment satisfies needs on two fronts — for the individual seeking employment and for the employer in need of dependable workers.
At Delta, we are an employment vendor in Pennsylvania (OVR, ODP). We currently serve more than 50 people who have been employed by movie theaters, restaurants, retail and wholesale stores, and more.
Delta provides the following Supported Employment Services in PA:
- Job Finding and Development
- Job Coaching and Support
- Job Coaching (Phases I-IV)
- Community-Based Work Assessments
- Work-Based Learning Experiences
- Job Shadowing
For the individual, Delta’s Supported Employment provides:
- Opportunities to identify possible career paths and learn necessary employment skills, including assessments of employment preferences and skills, resume development, interview training and assistance, job sampling, transportation, and more;
- Person-centered Job Development to match each job seeker with a job that suits their needs;
- Intensive one-to-one training at the worksite, designed to teach and familiarize the employee with his or her routine and work culture;
- Ongoing coaching on the job following the intensive training period, including the development of natural supports, advocacy, and career planning.
For employers, Delta’s Supported Employment offers:
Delta’s unique approach to Supported Employment connects employers with great applicants and employees. We take care to get to know a business’ needs inside and out before referring one of our clients. If your company is interested in becoming a corporate partner with Delta, please contact us!
In addition to being a source of committed employees, Delta can also offer your business:
- Information on tax credits for employers hiring persons with disabilities
- Training for coworkers who would like to help support an employee with disabilities on the job
- Additional training for the individual at the employer’s request
- Information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act
Click here to learn how we work with our partners
For more information on Supported Employment in, please contact:
Deana-Rydene Smith,
Supportive Employment Manager