5-Star Support System

Delta Community Supports believes that anyone who wants to live or work in their community should have the opportunity to do so. Guided by this philosophy, we have created an array of support services to help people with disabilities live the lives that they choose, work where they want to work, and in the communities where they want to live. Delta takes great care to provide person centered planning for all services. We allow individual choice to drive our services.

At Delta, we’re benefactors and friends whose lives are enriched through service to others – and where every relationship is mutually beneficial. Over time, we’ve found that as a true community we learn as much from care recipients as they learn from us. And, from residential arrangements to social and recreation options or the basics of day-to-day living — we share responsibilities and lives.

Our services provide a comprehensive ability to meet the needs of our communities. Core Services include:

Community Living

In New Jersey – Sophia Salmon
908-707-8844, Ext. 133

In Pennsylvania – Lauren Davies
(215) 953-9255, ext. 306

Click here to view our brochure

community_livingCommunity Living at Delta consists of group homes in which individuals with developmental disabilities are given the opportunity to live together with staff support. Community-based housing is a safe, comfortable environment in which consumers can develop their independence.

Community Living Arrangements

For adults with developmental disabilities, there is no place like a Delta home. Delta offers community living arrangements in which individuals can contribute to and benefit from their communities. When a person is referred by a state or county agency, he or she will be welcomed into the home that best accommodates existing housemates and new members of the Delta family.

Delta manages residential services in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Each home is managed by trained staff who oversee all aspects of supports and services to ensure our individuals continuously move forward towards independent, self-determined lifestyles.

Living and Working Together

Housemates within each of Delta’s group homes function together as a family. Under the on-site supervision of Delta staff members, each housemate participates fully in the daily routines of life—sharing meals, household responsibilities, and social opportunities.

Staff Support for Independence

Interaction builds companionship between staff and residents. Staff members come to understand each person’s strengths and hobbies, tailoring recreation options and community outings to suit each person’s interests and needs. Most importantly, each individual chooses the life they want to live, and Delta staff members ensure that their choices are validated and protected.

Depending on the level of need within a home, some individuals receive overnight or even 24-hour care, while others may have minimal supervision, but the reassurance that trained Delta staff are only a phone call away. Delta tailors each home to support the greatest independence and safety for each person under their care. Should a housemate require additional or unique care due to a medical condition, Delta staff members are trained to provide the right support.

Health Leadership Excellence

As evidence of our substantial commitment to the health of people supported, Delta Community Supports, Inc. has been awarded the Gold Award for Health Leadership Excellence by Mainstay/My25. Mainstay and its choice-based My25 programs are the primary accelerator within the human services industry regarding health outcomes improvement related to overweight/underweight status, diabetes, hypertension, associated chronic conditions, and social determinants of health.

For more information about our Community Living services, please contact:

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Family Supports

Family Supports is available for those who care for a loved one with disabilities at home. Delta offers support to assist the entire family. We will provide a companion match – a Delta staff member who will administer support tailored to both the individual’s and the family’s needs or requests.

If you are referred to Delta through The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), our Family Support staff will come to your home to support your family member’s needs. Our staff members are trained to provide a wide range of services; In Home Supports, Community Based Supports, Individual Supports. If your circumstances require special consideration, we will ensure that our staff receives the additional training necessary. Delta’s companionship extends to friendship, personal care, transportation, skill development, and more.

Family Supports offers a range of comprehensive services designed to help each family uniquely. Programs vary based on geographic regions and include:

In-Home Supports

Our staff regularly visits your home and provides needed supports and services.

Individual Supports & Community Based Supports

Our Family Support staff can provide instructional support by teaching various life skills to your family member. These services are offered in your home or out in the community. The goal of Individual Supports and Community Based Supports is to teach your family member how to become more independent.

Self Hired Respite (up to age 21)

We also offer Self Hired Respite under the auspices of NJ Department of Children and Families (DCF). Contact New Jersey Children’s System of Care (CSOC) to complete an application 1-877-652-7624. If you’re already registered with CSOC, you can request an intake packet from us at respite@deltaweb.org to begin services.

For more information about Family Support services in NJ, please contact:

Judy Cottone
(908) 707-8844   ext. 130


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Respite Services

Respite Services provide short-term relief for family members and foster caregivers caring for individuals with disabilities.

Who takes care of the caregivers? We know that families who care for a loved one with disabilities need time to refresh themselves. Family caregivers in need of personal time, whom state and county offices refer, may schedule a stay for their family members at Delta’s Respite Services.

Each Delta respite home can host up to four individuals. While you’re enjoying a breather, Deltas’ dedicated staff members will care for your family member. You’ll rest well knowing your family member will receive professional care in your absence.

Whether you need just a half-day to recoup or a few days to reenergize a Respite Home visit for your loved one may be the best remedy.

For more information about Respite Services in NJ, please contact:

Judy Cottone
(908) 707-8844   ext. 130

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The Community Center

community_centerThe Community Center at Delta, offers adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities a chance to explore their talents, expand their hobbies, and try new experiences together in a safe, friendly environment. Our lives are enriched through the relationships we establish and keep.

Thirty-seven staff members create programs to accommodate participants’ needs and interests. Some popular activities include:

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Horticulture
  • Gardening
  • Music
  • Sensory Awareness
  • Leisure Games
  • Seniors Program
  • Dances
  • Holiday Parties

To ensure that all individuals develop confidence and cultivate relationships, Delta offers some unique opportunities.

Communications Program – Individuals who require speech assistance may learn to use augmentative communication devices that speak for them. Others learn to use sign language or picture boards.

Delta Creative Images Salon – Community Center Members may have their hair done or receive a makeover or manicure.

Community Trips – The Community Center staff organizes outings to the pool, bowling alley, libraries, movies, the mall, and restaurants. We are always open to requests and new ideas.

Volunteer Opportunities – Community Center members give back to the community through Meals on Wheels, Adopt-a-Grandparent, Coups for Troops, and other community programs.

Parents Group – Family members of Community Center participants meet as needed to share information and offer support to one another.

The Community Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

We would be happy to answer any questions you have about the services we can provide for your loved one. To find out if your loved one is eligible to participate in our programs, please contact your state or county case manager.

For more information about The Community Center, please contact:

Heather Stuber
(215) 943-9230, ext. 127

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Supported Living

Supported Living offers living arrangements and apartments with staff support for individuals with developmental disabilities who do not require 24-hour care.

Supported Living is a residential option for adults with an intellectual or developmental disability who do not need 24 hour care. Individuals live in the community in their own home/apartment independently.   Staffing is provided based on individual needs. Staff supports may include assistance with activities of daily living, transportation to day services or employment, assistance with budgeting and shopping, assistance with scheduling and attending medical appointments, assistance with social and recreational opportunities, or assistance with use of community resources.

Our Supported Living options are designed to promote independent living, choice, and self-determination. Individuals who choose this option must be able to be on their own independent of daily staff supports, administer their own medication and evacuate their home independently in case of an emergency. Although living on their own in Supported Living, 24 hour on call support is always available.

If you or your family member is interested in Supported Living as a residential living option, and for more information about our services at Delta Community Supports, please contact:

Lauren Davies
(215) 953-9255, ext. 306

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